(English) Interactive effects of aerobic fitness, strength, and obesity on mortality in men

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0 Responses | by LaSheandra Hunter |
(English) Interactive effects of aerobic fitness, strength, and obesity on mortality in men

(English) Interactive effects of obesity and physical fitness on risk of ischemic heart disease

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0 Responses | by LaSheandra Hunter |
(English) Interactive effects of obesity and physical fitness on risk of ischemic heart disease

(English) Barriers and facilitators to screening efforts in pediatric primary care: Implications for communities impacted by poverty

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0 Responses | by nshroff |
(English) Barriers and facilitators to screening efforts in pediatric primary care: Implications for communities impacted by poverty

(English) A qualitative investigation of the impact of asthma and self-management strategies among older adults

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0 Responses | by LaSheandra Hunter |
(English) A qualitative investigation of the impact of asthma and self-management strategies among older adults

(English) Recruitment in clinical versus community-based sites for a pilot youth diabetes prevention program, East Harlem, New York, 2011-2012

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0 Responses | by LaSheandra Hunter |
(English) Recruitment in clinical versus community-based sites for a pilot youth diabetes prevention program, East Harlem, New York, 2011-2012

(English) Use of focus groups to inform a youth diabetes prevention model

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0 Responses | by nshroff |
(English) Use of focus groups to inform a youth diabetes prevention model

(English) Rationale and design of a comparative effectiveness trial of home- and clinic-based self-management support coaching for older adults with asthma

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0 Responses | by nshroff |
(English) Rationale and design of a comparative effectiveness trial of home- and clinic-based self-management support coaching for older adults with asthma

Patient transition from a free clinic to a medical home.

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0 Responses | by nshroff |
Patient transition from a free clinic to a medical home.

Becoming a patient-centered medical home: a 9-year transition for a network of Federally Qualified Health Centers.

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0 Responses | by nshroff |
Becoming a patient-centered medical home: a 9-year transition for a network of Federally Qualified Health Centers.

(English) Integrative medicine approach to chronic pain

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0 Responses | by nshroff |
(English) Integrative medicine approach to chronic pain