(English) Profile of diabetes mellitus among immigrants from Guyana: Epidemiology and implications for community action

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0 Responses | by Erin Edwards |
(English) Profile of diabetes mellitus among immigrants from Guyana: Epidemiology and implications for community action

A community mobilizes to end medical apartheid.

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0 Responses | by nshroff |
A community mobilizes to end medical apartheid.

Stirring up the mud: using a community-based participatory approach to address health disparities through a faith-based initiative.

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0 Responses | by nshroff |
Stirring up the mud: using a community-based participatory approach to address health disparities through a faith-based initiative.

(English) Using community-based participatory research to reduce health disparities in East and Central Harlem

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en Inglés Estadounidense.

0 Responses | by nshroff |
(English) Using community-based participatory research to reduce health disparities in East and Central Harlem

(English) A model for using community-based participatory research to address the diabetes epidemic in East Harlem

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en Inglés Estadounidense.

0 Responses | by nshroff |
(English) A model for using community-based participatory research to address the diabetes epidemic in East Harlem