Walton Family Health Center Gets a Vegetable Garden

June 20, 2019

Anyone who’s visited our Walton Family Health Center in the Bronx has seen the unique roof garden that occupies the northwest corner of the second floor. This month, we made this special outdoor space even more valuable by adding a cluster of raised garden beds. A team of staff and volunteers led by Kathryn Tanner, FNP, primary care provider at Walton, and Mila Neyra, MPH, community health project manager, built the beds with help from local urban agriculture experts from New York Botanical Garden’s Bronx Green Up program.

The new Walton “FARMacy,” as it’s affectionately known at the health center, will be used to promote wellness and healthy living for staff and patients alike. The Walton staff plan to grow herbs for infused water  — a delicious alternative to unhealthy, sugar-sweetened beverages. In addition, says FNP Tanner, “The garden will serve as a teaching garden for our teen food justice group here at Walton. The group already learns about farming and food systems, and will now be able to use our rooftop garden for hands-on learning.”

Funding for the garden was provided through our Bronx Health REACH program and our Diabetes, Nutrition, & Wellness Program, while the NYBG Bronx Green Up program will continue to advise on how to keep the Walton garden healthy and productive.

Check out the Walton Family Health Center “FARMacy” Rooftop Garden:

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