The Institute Observes World AIDS Day

December 02, 2016

Yesterday, December 1st, was World AIDS Day. Every year, the Institute’s COMPASS program organizes an observance of World AIDS Day at various sites, to remember the patients (friends/family/community members) we have lost, and pledge our support to those living with HIV/AIDS. This year the Family Practice Center of Hyde Park, Urban Horizons Family Health Center (Bronx), Family Health Center of Harlem and Sidney Hillman/Phillips Family Practice (lower Manhattan) hosted activities.

This year, the main activity was an informational table that was stocked with educational materials and giveaways. At each health center, throughout the day, there was an activity called, “What World AIDS Day Means to Me,” similar to the post it public art display that can be found at the Union Square subway station. Staff and patients wrote on red post-it notes a short response to the question. In addition to this activity  there was a quilt display and a collage made by staff and patients. Learn more about the Institute’s HIV/AIDS services here:

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