National Health Center Week Recap: Meet our #InstituteInnovators
August 18, 2016
Last week we celebrated National Health Center Week by showcasing our #InstituteInnovators. The theme for the week was “Celebrating America’s Health Centers: Innovators in Community Health.” At the Institute, our innovators are working tirelessly to meet the growing needs of our communities. So, each day of National Health Center Week, we showcased a different “Institute Innovator’s” efforts on social media. In case you missed it, check out the recap of our week below:
1. Sunday, August 7th – Victor Sta. Ana, MD, MSEd of the Primary Care Scholars Program

2. Monday, August 8th – Sarah Bernes, MPH, LMSW, Director of Suicide Prevention

3. Monday, August 8th – Mackenzie Anson, LCSW, Mental Health Clinician at George Washington Elementary School in Kingston, NY

4. Tuesday, August 9th – Kadian Stewart, RN, Nurse Manager at Amsterdam Family Health Center

5. Wednesday, August 10th – Nikki Neretin, MD, Medical Director of Homeless Services

6. Thursday, August 11th – Anita Ravi, MD, MPH, MSHP, Clinical Director of The PurpLE Clinic

7. Friday, August 12th – Charmaine Ruddock, MS, Program Director of Bronx Health REACH

8. Saturday, August 13th – Jessica Vollaro, MICHC Coordinator

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