Five Things You Should Know About Mental Health First Aid

May 27, 2016

Rebecca Green, LMSW, is a regional director of the Institute’s COMPASS programs. She is also one of the Institute’s trained Mental Health First Aid instructors. She recently shared with us a few things you should know about Mental Health First Aid.

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a training that provides non-mental health providers with the skills to help friends, family, co-workers and the general public who may be dealing with mental illness

Who can be trained?


Why is it important?

1 in 5 Americans is dealing with a mental illness at any given time, and less than half of those who could benefit from professional help receive it.  MHFA teaches non-mental health professionals how to be aware of the signs of mental illness, and what to do to get people help.

What would you want our patients to know about MHFA?

Mental illness is common, and not something to be afraid or ashamed of.  MHFA teaches us how to be better community members to the people we care about.

Tell me about a time when your training was put to use?

A community member who took the training shared that because of the training, she was able to see the signs of depression in her family member and get him help.

For more information on the Institute’s mental health services, click here; for more information on Mental Health First Aid and how to find a course near you, click here.

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