Breastfeeding Support at the Institute

July 31, 2019

World Breastfeeding Week begins tomorrow, but Institute health centers provide support to breastfeeding moms and babies throughout the year! This past July, we launched a breastfeeding support group in Harlem, where moms and babies can drop-in to chat with a lactation consultant and meet other parents. Across our network of health centers, our primary care providers and maternal health advocates provide education, support and advice about breastfeeding throughout your pregnancy and after your baby arrives. We also offer CenteringParenting® or CenteringPregnancy® groups where you can combine your primary care visit with fun and informative interaction with other parents. You can also find support at WIC offices across New York State, including ours in Manhattan.

Interested in breastfeeding your new baby or need some help and support?

At the Institute for Family Health, we ♥ breastfeeding!

The international symbol for breastfeeding.

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