Take control with powerful HIV prevention. Our team of healthcare providers are here to support you with comprehensive PrEP services in a culturally competent and inclusive environment.
Read more about PrEP below, or make an appointment.
PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is medication to prevent HIV. If you are HIV-negative, PrEP can help you stay that way. If you take it correctly, PrEP is up to 99% effective at preventing HIV.
- More peace of mind while having sex.
- Relief from the fear — and stigma — of HIV that has characterized our sexual lives for far too long.
- Having more control over your sexual health and wellness.
Remember, PrEP is only helpful in preventing HIV. Unless you use condoms, you can still get other infections from sex (STIs) and you can still get pregnant.
You might consider PrEP if:
- You don’t always use condoms (external or internal) when you have anal or vaginal sex. “Always” means every time, not sometimes.
- You don’t always ask your partner(s) to wear a condom.
- You have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection in the last six months.
- You’re unsure of the HIV status of your sexual partners.
- You’re in a relationship with an HIV-positive partner who may or may not be on HIV treatment.
- You inject drugs, or you have sex partners who inject drugs.
- You’re HIV-negative and interested in PrEP.
If you are HIV-positive, PrEP is not for you. Get connected to our HIV/AIDS services instead.
- We offer PrEP pills and injections.
- We can help you decide which type of PrEP is right for you.
- If you want PrEP pills, we can get you started the day of your first visit.
- PrEP is covered by most insurance programs.
- If you do not have insurance, we can talk to you about programs that help pay for PrEP.

Affordable Care
No one is turned away
The Institute for Family Health accepts Medicaid, Medicare, and most insurance plans. If you do not have health insurance, we can help. Ask us about how to apply for our sliding-fee discount program. You may be eligible based only on income and family size.
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The Institute for Family Health
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