A message for our patients about COVID-19: What to expect at your next visit
What to expect at your next visit
Dear patient,
In order to keep our patients, staff and community safe, we are asking all patients to follow these instructions:
- Call first or use MyChart: Please call us before you visit the health center. If you have symptoms, it is especially important that you call us or use MyChart before you come in, so we can prepare for your visit. We may also offer you a telehealth appointment. Learn more about telehealth.
- Tell us about any symptoms: When you call us or make your appointment, we will ask you if you have a fever, cough or shortness of breath. We will also ask you questions about your travel history and if you have been in contact with anyone known to have COVID-19. We will ask you these questions again when you arrive at the health center, either at the front door or entrance, or once you are inside. Please answer these questions as accurately as possible so we can keep you and your community safe. We will not exclude you from receiving care if you have symptoms of COVID-19.
- If possible, come to the health center by yourself: Due to the recent rise in COVID-19 cases, we are reinstating a no visitor policy. Only patients with appointments may enter our health center at this time. If the patient is a child or has a disability, one parent, guardian or visitor may accompany the patient to their appointment.
- Wear a mask covering your nose and mouth while inside the health center. The mask must be kept in place unless your provider asks you to remove it for treatment. If you do not have a mask, our staff at the health center will provide you with one. Patients are also not allowed to take the mask off to eat, drink or talk on the phone while they are in the health center.
- Wash your hands: After you check in at the health center, please take a moment to wash your hands in the restroom. Wash your hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds. Dry them completely with a paper towel or hand dryer. (You should wash your hands often at home and work, too.) Try to limit the number of surfaces you touch. Don’t touch your face with your hands. Instead, use a tissue and then throw the tissue away.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes: Cough and sneeze only into a tissue or your elbow, not your hands. Even if you have a chronic cough or allergies, you should always cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or your elbow when you cough or sneeze. If you used a tissue, throw it away immediately.
- We’re doing our part: We are working hard to keep everyone safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19. We’re doing extra cleaning, rearranged our waiting rooms and posted signs throughout our centers to help everyone practice social distancing, and screening all staff and patients for COVID-19 symptoms before they enter the health center.
- Stay informed using MyChart: We send regular updates through MyChart. Please check your MyChart messages often for new information. If you don’t have MyChart, visit mychart.institute.org to create an account. You can access your account securely from any computer or your smartphone.
Remember that it’s important to get the care you need, especially if you have a chronic condition. Please don’t skip your appointment or let your medication run out because you are afraid to come in. Call us or use MyChart so we can help you get the care you need.
We will continue to update you as things change.
Take care,
The Institute for Family Health