Research Committee

Oversight and guidance for the Institute’s research activities are provided by the organization’s Research Committee, which meets monthly to set research priorities. Research, clinical and administrative leaders participate on the Committee.

The role of the Research Committee is to evaluate whether a proposed project is consistent with the Institute’s mission, whether the appropriate resources are in place to conduct the research, and whether the study outcomes are likely to be useful. The Research Committee also helps potential researchers collaborate with organizational mentors and identify partnerships and support.

All potential researchers must contact the Research Committee. To schedule a meeting or to request additional information, email or call the Research Committee Administrator, Nandini Shroff, at nshroff

Potential researchers must also complete the Research Committee questionnaire, which can be found on Mentor, the Institute’s Research Committee & IRB portal.

Note that there are two versions of the Research Committee questionnaire depending on whether the study will be reviewed by an external IRB or Institute’s IRB. Please submit the completed form via Mentor two weeks prior to the meeting date in order to ensure consideration of your proposal for review at the next meeting. If you do not have access to Mentor, please contact Elena Finver at

The Research Committee meets on the first Monday of every month. After receiving approval from the Research Committee, an IRB application may be submitted.