
Maxine Golub, MPH

Senior Vice President, Planning and Development

Professional Experience and Accomplishments

As senior vice president for planning and development, Maxine Golub is responsible for grant development and the oversight of grant-funded programs. She also provides leadership for organizational development, public relations, and communications activities, and serves as a liaison to the Institute’s funders and community partners.

Ms. Golub has more than 25 years experience administering primary care programs and addressing the challenges faced by providers and consumers within New York’s complex health care system. Prior to joining the Institute in 1989, she served as executive director of the Bronx Committee for the Community’s Health, a coalition of community health centers. In 2003, she received the Rosemarie Forstner Award “for outstanding dedication to making health care more accessible to the medically underserved” from the Community Health Care Association of New York State.

Ms. Golub holds a master of public health degree from the Hunter College School of Health Sciences and a bachelor of science in human development and family studies from Cornell University.