Headshot of Fern Roberson

Fern Davis, RN, MSN, FNP-BC

Family Nurse Practitioner

Education and training

Masters – Pace University
Bachelors – Pace University

Professional interests


A little about me

I have been in  health care for over 18 years. My interest in health care started after my aunt passed away from a heart attack. Although I was only 9 years old at the time, I felt that there could have been a way to prevent it.  Primary care is where the education and prevention starts. After many years of working in the hospital and seeing that negative impact that many chronic diseases had on the patients, I knew the clinic is where I could reach more people before it was too late.

Why I love my job

I am excited about the programs we offer here. The Institute has been able to continue to provide patients in this area with quality health care, and I am glad to be a part of it.

Professional certifications or affiliations

Family Nurse Practitioner Board Certified
NYS Nurse Practitioner Association

Professional Experience and Accomplishments

Fern Roberson, Nurse Practitioner, earned her bachelor’s and master’s degree in nursing from Pace University. Fern first joined the Institute in 2008 as a clinical nurse manager before deciding to return to school. After earning her master’s, Fern worked as a nurse practitioner at a skilled nursing facility in New Jersey before returning to the Institute. Fern is especially excited to work with patients battling diabetes and obesity.