#Not62 – The Campaign for A Healthy Bronx
“#Not62 – The Campaign for A Healthy Bronx” is a call to action to improve the overall health of Bronx residents. It’s mission is to address the social and economic environment, health behaviors, clinical care, and the physical environment through collaboration and partnership across multiple sectors in the Bronx.
The Bronx is the unhealthiest county.
Some facts:
👉 16% of Bronx residents have diabetes (highest prevalence rates).
👉 31.7% of Bronx adults are obese (highest prevalence rate in NYC).
👉 If you live in the Bronx, your life expectancy is 78.7 (second lowest in NYS).
Even though the health of the other four boroughs has improved over the past three years, the Bronx continues to remain in last place:
#6 New York (Manhattan)
#8 Queens County (Queens)
#13 Kings County (Brooklyn)
#17 Richmond (Staten Island)
#62 Bronx County
#5 New York (Manhattan)
#12 Queens County (Queens)
#18 Richmond (Staten Island)
#20 Kings County (Brooklyn)
#62 Bronx County
#7 New York (Manhattan)
#12 Queens County (Queens)
#21 Richmond (Staten Island)
#22 Kings County (Brooklyn)
#62 Bronx County
The Bronx remains the poorest Congressional district in the country.
The social and economic factors behind the Bronx being the unhealthiest borough/county:
• Lowest high school graduation rates.
• Highest unemployment rate.
• 3rd highest income inequality.
• Highest rate of children living in poverty.
What can you do to change this?
If the Bronx is to be ‘Not 62’.
If the Bronx is not to be the unhealthiest county in New York State.
If the Bronx is not to be the poorest Congressional District.
Your health, our community’s health depends on your vote.
General Election: Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
If you want to get involved in improving the health of the Bronx, join our Bronx Health REACH Health Disparities Workgroup meetings, held on the second Friday of the month from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Our meetings are held online via ZOOM. RSVP to eplotka@institute.org.
Please sign our petition to demand that the Mayor prioritize the health of the Bronx! Share #Not62 on your social media to raise awareness, follow @bronxnot62 on Instagram, and tell us what you are doing to be healthy.