NY1 Highlights Teaching Health Centers, Featuring Drs. Neil Calman and Bamidele Olatunbosun

September 03, 2014

Drs. Neil Calman and Bamidele Olatunbosun were featured on a NY1 story on Teaching Health Centers. In 2011, the Institute received federal funding from HRSA to open a second Teaching Health Center program in New York State, located at its Family Health Center of Harlem, in the historic neighborhood of Harlem. The Institute also received additional Teaching Health Centers funding to expand its Mid-Hudson Family Medicine Residency Program from 18 to 30 residents.

The Institute’s program seeks to address the critical shortage of primary care physicians across the state by training future physicians who are more likely to continue to practice in high-need communities.

For the NY1 video clip and article, click here.