Council Member Ritchie Torres Pioneers Use of Discretionary Funding for HealthBucks

August 04, 2014

Bronx Health REACH is thrilled to announce that Council Member Ritchie Torres has earmarked $10,000 from the City’s 2015 budget for HealthBucks in District 15, and is the first member of the City Council to fund this program. HealthBucks is a program facilitated by the Department of Health, where coupons offering $2 toward fruits and vegetables from farmer’s markets are distributed through local organizations to residents. Bronx Health REACH worked with the New York League of Conservation Voters and the Mary Mitchell Family and Youth Center to mobilize community members to request Council Member Torres designate funds for this program, and he responded, recognizing the value of the Health Bucks program increasing access to affordable fruits and vegetables, particularly for low-income residents. Read more on our blog.