The Institute’s Prenatal Care Group, CenteringPregnancy,® Renews Gold Standard, Site Approval from the Centering Healthcare Institute

August 21, 2015


Kingston, NY (August 21, 2015) – The Ob/Gyn and Specialty Care Center of Kingston has been granted continued site approval from the Centering Healthcare Institute– renewing the Gold Standard site approval achieved last June for the CenteringPregnancy program. This national recognition is given to practices that fulfill the 13 essential elements of the Centering model of prenatal care, an evidence-based program that takes women out of exam rooms and into groups to receive all necessary medical assessments, social support and education facilitated by their physicians.

The Centering Healthcare Institute praised Specialty Care for the involvement of enthusiastic physicians, the dedication of prenatal providers and staff and the quality of the Centering program. Over the past year, patients who attended group maintained impressive birth outcomes, boasting zero babies born with low birth weight and a 93% breastfeeding rate. The center is proud to be the only practice in the area offering CenteringPregnancy with a strong commitment to helping moms have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies.

Patient satisfaction with Centering is at an all-time high. Brittney Wilson of Shokan, who participated in a recent Centering group facilitated by Dr. Dominique Delma and Kerry Baxter, LCSW, said, “I would definitely recommend it to anyone. I had an awesome experience. It was very fun, interactive, and informative. I don’t know if it’s possible that I would’ve had a better experience.”

Expecting mothers interested in joining a CenteringPregnancy group or anyone interested in learning more should call Abby Tierney at 845-338-8444 ext.3402 or email

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