The Health Center Funding Cliff Has Been Restored!

February 09, 2018

Harlem health center staff wear red on day of demonstration
Family Health Center of Harlem staff on #RedAlert4CHCs Day of Demonstration, February 6, 2018.


We did it! Thanks, in part, to the advocacy and solidarity shown among health center staff and supporters, Congress has voted to reauthorize several federal programs that are critical to the important work of community health centers. Since the funding lapse began in October 2017, health center advocates around the country — including staff members throughout the Institute’s network — called their legislators, posted on social media and participated in a day of demonstration.

Not only did health center funding get restored for two more years, it was increased! According to CHCANYS, “The package includes two-year extensions of funding for the Community Health Centers Fund (CHCF), the National Health Service Corps, and Teaching Health Centers program.  In more good news, the package allocates an additional $600 million for health centers over the two years; specifically, $3.8 billion for CHCs in FY18 and $4.0 billion in FY19. The National Health Service Corps will continue to receive current funding of $310 million in FY18 and FY19, and funding will more than double for the Teaching Health Centers program to $126.5 million in FY18 and FY19.”

This is great news for community health centers, our patients, and staff!


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