Racial disparities in COVID-19 fatalities in New York: An essential reading list

April 30, 2020

Recent data released by the New York State Department of Health show higher COVID-19 fatalities among Black and Latinx patients when compared to other groups.

Speaking to Gothamist, the Institute’s president and CEO, Dr. Neil Calman, underscored the deep roots of these disparities, including low incomes, poor quality or overcrowded housing, and inadequate access to preventive medical care: “You put a disease on top of that and people who are the poorest and the sickest to begin with are the ones that are going to have the most difficulty with the disease.”

It is important to note that these numbers may be incomplete — and the racial and ethnic disparities may actually be higher than known. A piece in Gothamist reveals that New York City didn’t have race and ethnicity data early on in the pandemic, with data only becoming available within the past couple of weeks. The New York Times also reported that other states failed to collect race-based data early on in the pandemic.

Several recent articles — some featuring Institute for Family Health leadership –provide insight into disparities in COVID-19 outcomes for Black and Latino patients.

Articles featuring the Institute:

Additional articles:

The Institute for Family Health is committed to promoting health equity for all. We stand with those advocating to address the underlying social and economic factors that produce racial and ethnic health disparities, for COVID-19 and beyond. Having reliable data is just the first step.

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