Meet Our Diabetes Team: Ashleigh Glowacki

November 13, 2015

In recognition of American Diabetes Month, each week this month we will highlight one staff member that works on our diabetes team. This week, meet Ashleigh Glowacki, Diabetes Prevention and Education Coach at Kingston Family Health Center.

“Prior to becoming a Community HealthCorps member I was on the fence about having a medical career. The summer before [I started HealthCorps] I shadowed an endocrinologist and most of those patients had no problems with getting transportation, paying for appointments, having medical coverage or any other barriers. Since I am living with diabetes myself, I thought I understood everything relating to living with and managing diabetes.  Working with the Institute for Family Health made things more real. I was exposed to an entire population of people I didn’t know existed. I didn’t realize how much the Institute serves patients. Working with patients at Kingston Family Health Center, I realized there is so much you can do beyond medication and ultimately change a patient’s outcome. As a diabetes coach, I fill the gap and explain things to patients that providers don’t have the time to explain.  I have the chance to actually sit down and explain our healthy plates system when a provider or nurse might not be able to due to other patients or other responsibilities.

If we weren’t here doing our work, nobody would be and it feels good to be the person to take that quality time to work with our patients.”

Learn more about our Community HealthCorps program.

Check out last week’s “Meet Our Dibetes Team: Migdalia Morel

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