Institute Physician to Begin Fellowship in Adolescent Substance Use Prevention

May 11, 2016

Dr. Mark Sinclair (third from left), recent graduate (Class of 2016) of the Harlem Residency in Family Medicine, will be the first fellow in the Institute for Family Health’s Fellowship in Addiction Medicine. The Addiction Medicine Foundation recently awarded the Institute the “Next Generation Award for Adolescent Substance Use Prevention.” The award will be used to train Dr. Sinclair, with the goal of developing him into a future leader in the field. Read more about the fellowship here. Dr. Sinclair spoke with us about his hopes for the fellowship.

Why addiction medicine?

I’ve always been passionate about treating addiction. I’ve seen a lot of friends and loved ones battle addiction. So, it’s personal too. I’ve always been fascinated with why some people do or don’t succumb to addiction and I want to figure out if we can prevent it.

What are some things you will work on during your fellowship?

I will work at the Institute’s Sidney/Hillman Phillips Family Practice in inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment. I’ll screen adolescents and also do some outreach in the community to teach teens about addiction. Ultimately I hope to get a better understanding of addiction in general.

What are your plans once this fellowship ends?

I hope to leave this fellowship with a model of treatment that will help to eliminate socioeconomic barriers of success in treating addiction. I also hope to have a better understanding of the disease process of addiction in general and how that manifests in young people.

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