Get to know the IGNITE research studies: using DNA testing to understand chronic conditions
April 27, 2023
Since 2020, the Institute has been participating in two major studies that look at how genetics can affect certain chronic conditions. The IGNITE studies are funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and are looking for people to complete a series of questionnaires and a simple DNA test. Anyone who participates in one of these studies will receive compensation.
“With genetic testing, we are learning more about how different people react to different medications, and how to treat conditions with more targeted, personalized medicine,” said Saskia Shuman, MHS, the Institute’s Assistant Vice President for Research Operations. “We are very pleased to be able to help our patients get access to this technology.”
The two IGNITE (Implementing GeNomics In pracTicE) studies are the GUARDD-US study and the ADOPT-PGx study. Both of these studies will be ending this year. Read below to learn more about them.
This study seeks to better understand the connection between high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, and genetics. GUARDD stands for “Genetic testing to Understand and Address Renal Disease Disparities.”
Patients who are 18 and over; are Black, African-American, or of recent African ancestry; and have high blood pressure are encouraged to take part in this study to find out if they may be at higher risk for kidney disease. This test can also help patients work with their providers to discuss and make a plan for better health.
The ADOPT-PGx Study
The ADOPT-PGx (A Depression and Opioid Pragmatic Trial in Pharmacogenetics) study looks at how genetics can play a role in how your body reacts to certain medications for chronic pain and depression. Patients who are 18 and older and take medication for either of these conditions are encouraged to take part in this study. Participating in this study may also help patients and their providers get more information about how to treat these conditions more precisely at the individual level, and help them make a plan for better treatment.
Both studies will be ending this year–contact us soon if you are interested in joining either of them! You will receive compensation for your participation. To get started, speak to your provider, or call or text Wambui, Clinical Research Coordinator, at 646-832-6020.
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