Health Information Exchange

The Institute for Family Health is working on several projects to share health information with our partner health care providers in the New York area to better care for patients, and to reduce the risk of errors.

These providers include doctors, nurses, hospitals, emergency rooms, community health centers, nursing homes, home health care services, pharmacies, laboratories, and x-ray and imaging centers.

Patient health information is shared through secure, private electronic connections between the Institute for Family Health and a patient’s other health care providers.

Current projects include:

  • With funding from New York State, the Institute is working with Hudson River Healthcare and Open Door Family Medical Centers to improve the quality, efficiency, and coordination of care for Hudson Valley patients with diabetes. The project uses a patient centered medical home model supported by health information exchange to make sure that patients are receiving all recommended screenings, reducing their risk for complications.
  • Institute primary care providers are now using InstituteLink, a secure “provider portal” website, to coordinate patient care with six agencies, including one hospital emergency department; a 25-site agency that serves nearly 2,000 people with developmental disabilities; a leading youth and family service agency that serves over 20,000 program participants annually; and a comprehensive residential treatment program for formerly incarcerated women; among others.  We continue to build health information exchange relationships with other community partners.