Chelsea Faso, MD
Education and training
Residency – Montefiore Medical Center, Family and Social Medicine Residency Program
Medical School – NYU School of Medicine
Undergraduate – Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education (CUNY Med)
Professional interests
Reproductive and sexual health
Immigrant health
Maternal-child health
Health equity
Community health
Why I love my job
I have a passion for healing and helping. I fight to make sure all communities have access to reliable, high quality, patient-centered, and all around healing care. Using my professional privilege to join communities in this fight for health equity is my responsibility, and also brings me great purpose.
Professional certifications or affiliations
Board Certified in Family Medicine
Professional Experience and Accomplishments
Dr. Chelsea Faso volunteered at the NYC Free Clinic as a medical student volunteer. As part of the NYLPI provider network, Dr. Faso conducted medical interviews and authored medical affidavits for immigration detention cases. She was also a recipient for an award in residency teaching and education.