The Trauma-Informed Linkage to Care (TLC) Clinic

The Trauma-Informed Linkage to Care (TLC) Clinic at the Institute for Family Health offers sensitive, respectful health care for anyone who has experienced sexual trauma, exploitation or violence (including sex trafficking, sexual assault, domestic violence, labor trafficking, and those seeking asylum).

The clinic is housed at 230 West 17th Street (between 7th and 8th Avenues) in Manhattan and is staffed by one of our family physicians. Weekday and weekend hours are available. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age, gender, insurance or documentation status.

What We Offer

  • Routine physicals
  • Gynecology care and pregnancy care
  • STI tests; pregnancy tests; birth control
  • Diabetes care
  • HIV care and PrEP
  • Care navigation
  • Survivor-led services
  • OMM (Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine) – “hands on” medical treatment that can help treat various conditions
  • Referrals for mental health services, dentistry, acupuncture, and more

Get Care

To make an appointment, call or text “TLC Clinic appointment” to (646) 946-4482.

All TLC Clinic medical providers have special training in trauma-informed care and how to provide care to survivors of trafficking and other violence. Our goal is to make sure you get the care that you want, in a way that is comfortable for you.

If you are a health care or social service provider, please download our referral form and fax the completed form to 845-633-5778.

Contact Us

For information and other general inquiries, email us at