The Institute stands in support of funding for five vital public health programs

February 28, 2020

U.S. Congress

As a community health center, the Institute stands with our colleagues across the country in urging Congress to pass legislation that secures five years of funding for five vital programs: the Community Health Center Fund (CHCF), Teaching Health Centers Graduate Medical Education (THCGME), the National Health Service Corps (NHSC), the Special Diabetes Program and the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI). These programs need secure and continuous funding so as not to disrupt ongoing and much-needed services in U.S. communities.

In September of last year, Congress approved temporary funding for these programs, but this funding is set to run out on May 22. This creates challenges to planning and executing these programs. For example, medical students interested in Teaching Health Center residencies could find their future impacted. Resident Match Day is March 20 nationwide, so medical students and the Teaching Health Centers that train them will need to know that funding for these programs is safe for the long haul.

The Institute is proud to offer quality care to all of our patients, regardless of their ability to pay. Long-term funding commitments make it possible for us to provide outstanding care to all who come through our doors. We urge Congress to make funding these essential programs a priority.

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