Join us Sunday in Kingston, NY to “Walk & Talk With a Doc”

October 16, 2015

Join us this Sunday in Kingston, NY to”Walk and Talk With a Doc!” We have teamed up with Live Well Kingston and other local organizations to launch the first of three walks.

During the walk, Dr. Syed Asif Hassan and Dr. Jenny Chien from the Kingston Family Health Center, will have the opportunity to connect you to resources in the community and answer any health-related questions. For the first walk we are partnering with the Kingston Land Trust on their regular 3rd Sunday walks on the Kingston Greenline in the Rondout.

Come explore your local neighborhoods, chat with a doctor, get your health questions answered in a fun environment, and walk yourself healthy along the way.  The next two walks will take place on November 4th and 15th. Check out our calendar for more information about this week’s walk.

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