EHR-based Quality Reporting for Public Health

In collaboration with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Institute developed and implemented a model EHR-based quality reporting system that is organized around New York City’s public health priorities outlined in the Take Care New York (TCNY) initiative.

Launched in March 2004, TCNY set an ambitious agenda to prioritize coordinated actions that can help New York City improve health in ten key areas, each of which causes significant illness and death but is amenable to intervention.  The Institute targeted several TCNY public health goals through this project including Have a Regular Doctor or Health Care Provider, Be Tobacco Free, Keep Your Heart Healthy, Know Your HIV Status, Get Help for Depression, Substance Abuse, Get Checked for Cancer, and Get Immunized.

This set of clinical decision supports were deployed across the Institute’s network of practices, to support providers in delivering timely, evidence-based care.

The metrics with detailed definitions are available for download here.