Bronx Health REACH works with our Bronx houses of worship to promote the Health Bucks program, a year round program managed and distributed by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH). Health Bucks are $2 coupons that shoppers use to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at New York City farmers’ markets.
The program provides access to fresh, locally-grown produce, making it more affordable for New Yorkers and supports neighborhood farmers’ markets and regional farmers. For every $2 spent at farmers’ markets using their SNAP or EBT card, participants receive $2 in Health Bucks coupons and up to $10 per day. Community and faith based organizations may apply for free to receive the coupons and use as incentive to participate in nutrition education or other health related activities. Organizations can apply to receive free Health Bucks to distribute to community members as an incentive to participate in nutrition education and other health-related activities.
Since 2015, Bronx Health REACH’s Faith Based Outreach Initiative; a coalition of Bronx houses of worship; continues to promote and support the health bucks program. Our team provides technical assistance to Bronx houses of worship on best practices for: promotion, distribution and high redemption of the Health Bucks program and the promotion of Bronx farmers’ markets by leading walking tours with the community. Collectively our partners have distributed more than 22,000 coupons, led 108 farmers’ market walking tours with more than 1,300 participants.
Bronx Faith Based Partners that have participated in the Health Bucks Program:
Church Alive Community Church, Church of God of Prophecy, Cosmopolitan Church of the Lord Jesus, Manna of Life Ministries, Al Masjidu Adam, Inc., Ash Shifaa, Inc., Darou Salam Community Inc., Masjid As Sabur, Masjid Sidiki-Unite my Ummah, Mount Zion CME Church, New Covenant Community Development Corporation, Resurrection and Life Pentacostal, Saint Augustine Our Lady Victory Church, St. Helena RC Church, Thessalonica Christian Church, Tremont United Methodist Church, Walker Memorial Baptist Church, Word of Life International, Inc., and Wings of Redemption Ministry.
Health Bucks applications are available before the start of summer, months of May or June and distribution thereafter.
Visit the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to learn more about Health Bucks.