
Bronx Health REACH records videos of rallies and town hall meetings, as well as been the subject of documentaries and television broadcasts. Click on the links below to watch Bronx Health REACH in action.

20 Years of Making Health Equality a Reality

Voces por la Igualdad en la Salud

End Segregated Health Care (a documentary about segregated care by Bronx Health REACH and New York Lawyers for the Public Interest)

Bronx Health REACH featured on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360° about Segregated Care System in NYC

Bronx Community Rally to End Discrimination in Health Care

Bronx Health REACH Town Hall Meeting: Making Health Equality a Reality (April 17, 2010) Introduction to Town Hall Meeting by Assemblyman Michael Benjamin

Dr. Neil Calman – A Physician’s Perspective on Health Disparity

Rev. Robert Foley – Changing the Status Quo through Community Action

Nisha Agarwal – Patient Rights and Taking Legal Action

Dr. Cristina Rivera – Changing Medical Education to Address Health Disparities

Antonio Torres – A Patient Account of Differences in Treatment due to Insurance Status

Rev. Gary Spears – A Personal Story of Mistreatment in the NY Healthcare System

Vanessa Ghigliotty – A Patient Account of Disparate Treatment based on Insurance Status

NYS Assemblyman Michael Benjamin – Legislative Action to Eliminate Health Disparity