The Way: A Faith Driven Diabetes Conversation

Diabetes disproportionately impacts residents in the southwest Bronx, where residents are 5 to 8 times more likely to die of the disease than in New York City’s wealthy neighborhoods. Without proper management of this chronic condition, diabetes can cause severe damage to the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, eyes, and nerves. The Way: A Faith Driven Diabetes Conversation is a diabetes education and support group for congregants living with diabetes. Using the spiritual values of the church, nurses from the churches and healthcare providers from the Institute for Family Health teach congregants with diabetes how to control their condition, advocate for their health, and access medical information. Topics covered in the 12-week course include:

  • Understanding and managing your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.
  • Setting goals for healthy eating and staying active.
  • Problem solving and talking back to negative thoughts.
  • Dealing with depression.
  • Managing medications.
  • Talking to your doctor about diabetes.

The Way was adapted from the “Los Caminos” program developed by Dr. Elizabeth A. Walker at the Einstein Diabetes Research Center in the Bronx. Bronx Health REACH worked with Dr. Walker and a team of nurses from several churches to adapt the program for faith-based settings.

For more information on this new faith-based diabetes intervention program, contact us.