Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Bronx Health REACH has published a number of articles in peer-reviewed journals on health disparities, health policy, and community-based approaches.
- Advancing System and Policy Changes for Social and Racial Justice: Comparing a Rural and Urban Community-Base Participatory Research Partnership in the U.S. – International Journal of Equity in Health (2017)
- DASH-NYC Featured Program: Faith-Based Outreach Initiative. Institute for Family Health, Bronx Health REACH – NYC Population Health Improvement Program (hosted at the Fund for the Public Health of NYC) and New York Academy of Medicine (2016)
- Asian Americans in New York City Face Disparities in Diabetes Management Compared to Other Racial/Ethnic Minority Groups – American Journal of Public Health (July 2015)
- Corner Store Purchases in a Low-income Urban Community in NYC – Journal of Community Health (April 2015)
- “Fine, Fit and Fabulous: Addressing Obesity in Underserved Communities through a Faith-Based Nutrition and Fitness Program” in Obesity Interventions in Underserved U.S. Communities – Johns Hopkins University Press (2014)
- Health, Community and Spirituality: Evaluation of a Multicultural Faith-based Diabetes Prevention Program – The Diabetes Educator Journal – (2014)
- Improving policy and practice to promote equity and social justice – a qualitative comparative analysis building on key learnings from a twinning exchange between England and the US – Global Health Promotion (December 2013)
- The Perception of Stress and its Impact on Health in Poor Communities – Journal of Community Health (2013)
- A Community Mobilizes to End Medical Apartheid – Progress in Community Health Partnerships (Fall 2011)
- Got Low Fat Milk? How a Community-Based Coalition Changed School Milk Policy in New York City – The Journal of Health Promotion and Maintenance (Jan-March 2011)
- Stirring Up The Mud: Using a Community-Based Participatory Approach to Address Health Disparities through a Faith-Based Initiative – Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (2009)
- Electronic Health Records: The Use of Technology to Eliminate Racial Disparities in Health Outcomes – Medical Informatics: An Executive Primer, Health Information and Management Systems Society (January 2007)
- A Community-Based Ecological Approach for Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Diabetes: The Bronx Health REACH Nutrition Evaluation Project – Report in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Fostering Organizational Change through a Community-Based Initiative – Health Promotion Practice Supplement (July 2006)
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health: A View from the South Bronx – Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (2006)
- Separate and Unequal Care in New York City – Journal of Health Care Law & Policy (2006)
- The Role of Faith-Based Institutions in Addressing Health Disparities: A Case Study of an Initiative in the Southwest Bronx – Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (2006)
- Separate and Unequal: Medical Apartheid in New York City – Bronx Health REACH monograph (October 2005)
- Making Health Equality a Reality: The Bronx Takes Action – Health Affairs (March/April 2005)
- Opening Doors and Building Capacity: Employing a Community-Based Approach to Surveying – Journal of Urban Health, New York Academy of Medicine (2004)
- Out of the Shadow: A White Inner-City Doctor Wrestles with Racial Prejudice – Health Affairs (January/February 2000)