#BodegaSnax – New Contest to Promote Healthy Snacks in Bodegas
August 21, 2013
Bronx, NY – on August 7th, Bronx Health REACH launched a new contest to promote healthy snacks in bodegas! The #BodegaSnax contest on Instagram and Facebook will run through September 10th. Throughout the month of August, @HealthSwag and Bronx Health REACH will post photos of healthy snacks on Facebook and Instagram to find at a local bodega. Contestants must take a photo of any of the posted healthy snacks and tag both #Healthswag and #BodegaSnax on either Facebook or Instagram for a chance to win Yankees gear and tickets to a game. The #BodegaSnax contest is being sponsored by the Partnership for a Healthier Bronx at Bronx Health REACH/Institute for Family Health, the American Dairy Association and Dairy Council and Apogee Media. To learn more, please visit Bronx Health REACH on Facebook and Instagram or contact Emma Rodgers at erodgers@institute2000.org or 212-633-0800 x1249.